Three Ways To Improve An Outdated Access Control System For Your Business

Many businesses no longer rely on mechanical access control systems such as door locks. Commercial buildings use various electronic access systems, such as key cards, fobs, and PIN codes. However, intruders have also upped their game and can easily compromise electronic systems. Therefore, it's paramount for businesses to continually update their access control systems to optimize security and restrict intruder access. Below are three ways to improve an outdated access control system in your building.

Switch to a Cloud-Based Security System

An access control system requires space for data storage and management. Traditional systems utilize on-site servers that consume valuable physical space and are costly to maintain. If your building's security is compromised, an intruder can easily locate the servers and access sensitive information. A web-based security system is hosted over the internet, and it offers the following benefits:

  • You don't need physical space for the servers
  • Data backup is done automatically to the cloud
  • It is cost-effective as you don't need resources to replace servers and upgrade software 
  • You can easily customize the system to your security needs

A web-based access control system allows you to grant or revoke access remotely. This is unlike other systems where you would require an administrator to access the data on-site to revise permissions.

Review Your Access Control Models

One cause of security vulnerabilities in a business is outdated access control models. Access control models determine who has access to specific areas and who grants and revokes permission. Below are some examples of models commonly used in businesses.

  • Discretionary: Access is granted at the discretion of one person, usually the business owner. This model is ideal for small businesses with few employees and lower security risks.
  • Mandatory: A security administrator, usually an experienced IT professional, grants access permission. This model ensures high levels of security and access control.
  • Rule-based: In this model, specific rules determine who can access certain rooms in the building. For example, some areas may be restricted during certain times of the day.

One of the best models is a role-based system where access is granted based on the user's role. Therefore, workers with the least access privileges cannot access certain rooms. With a cloud-based system, you can instantly upgrade or revoke permissions based on changing user roles.

Provide Regular Employee Training 

Employees can unknowingly be the weak link in your building's security system. Even with a web-based system that leaves an audit trail, security can be compromised by employees who use weak passwords, share credentials, or allow unauthorized people to tailgate. Provide regular security training and awareness to keep employees updated on current security threats and access control policies.

Use these tips to upgrade your building's access control system. Consult a security professional for system design and management services.
