If you had someone break into your home and you worry that it's too easy for them to get in again, or that they already could have taken important things from your property, there are some precautions you want to take. You want to make sure that your house is going to be safe and that the intruder didn't take anything that could negatively affect your credit. Here are a few of the things that you want to get.
Security System
If you don't have a security system for the property, installing one could limit your chances of having this problem reoccur by up to 300 percent. You can get a system that alerts the authorities when there is an entrance opened or damaged and that also has gas leak detection and a fire alarm. Some systems can also be set, disarmed and controlled from a smart phone by the homeowner, which makes monitoring your home easy while you're away.
Identity Theft Protection
With a piece of mail, the intruder may have gotten all the information they need to hack your identity. After a break-in you want to enroll in some type of identity protection program, to make sure no one is trying to open a credit card or use your identity. That could destroy your credit and cause a variety of problems, so enroll in a protection program right away.
A Dog
Have you considered getting a dog? If not, a barking dog could be a great way to keep people from walking up the sidewalk to your home, even if the dog is harmless and just wants to play. A dog isn't just going to bark to scare aware intruders, but it can also let you know that something suspicious is going on outside or inside the house.
Make sure that you report the break-in to the police so they can monitor your neighborhood more closely, and also in case you have to make a claim to your homeowner's insurance company. If you have a neighborhood watch program, you want to keep them informed, and if you don't have one you should consider starting one. You don't want your home to become a target for crime since it was already hit once, since the burglars already know you don't have a security system and the layout of your house. Talk with the security system providers in your area, and consider these other options quickly.